
[器材] Korg nanoKEY Studio


1.   Korg Kontrol Editor無法和其他音樂軟體同時共用設備。舉例來說,如果同時開啟NI Kontakt 5Korg Kontrol Editor,那麼Kontrol Edtidor將無法接收或傳送任何設定

官方的回覆是因為Kontrol Editor32-bit,因此無法和64-bit程式共用。個人覺得這設計有很大的瑕疵,現在幾乎九成的軟體都早已是64位元了,結果我們用戶還被你這個Editor卡死。我是認為官方其實有義務出一個64-bitEditor,考慮到產品的未來性

The KORG KONTROL Editor doesn't recognize the microKEY when a DAW program is running.
  April 13, 2018 07:13

·     In case of the Windows standard driver, only one application program can use the microKEY/microKEY Air. To use the microKEY/microKEY Air from two or more application programs, please install the latest KORG USB-MIDI driver.
·    The KORG USB-MIDI Driver cannot be used from a 32-bit application program and a 64-bit application program simultaneously. When a 64-bit DAW software is used, the KORG KONTROL Editor, a 32-bit application program, cannot be used simultaneously.


2.    nanoKEY StudioX-Y Padmodwheel訊息無法被鎖住,也就是像joystick會自動回彈。且在Kontrol Editor裡面也無法改變這個行為
事實上Kontrol Editor中的Pitch/Mod選項也只能調整pitch bend相關的部分

3.   nanoKEY StudioTrigger Pads還有一些有趣的設定可以試,例如他的note可以設定四個,還有可以改為傳送program change

4.   nanoKEY StudioGlobal 下的velocity curvesensitivity設定

